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# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-

from cStringIO import StringIO
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Marco De Donno committed
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from email.mime.application import MIMEApplication
from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart
from email.mime.text import MIMEText
from logging.config import dictConfig
from threading import Thread
from uuid import uuid4
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont
from flask import Flask
from flask import jsonify
from flask import render_template, send_from_directory 
from flask import request, has_request_context
from flask import send_file
from flask import session
from flask import url_for
from flask_compress import Compress
from flask_session import Session
from werkzeug import abort, redirect
from werkzeug.middleware.proxy_fix import ProxyFix
import gnupg
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Marco De Donno committed
import pyotp
import webauthn
from NIST.fingerprint import NISTf_auto
from PiAnoS import caseExistsInDB
from const import pfsp
import utils
from functions import redis_cache

from functions import dek_generate, do_encrypt_dek, do_decrypt_dek, dek_check
from functions import do_encrypt_user_session, do_decrypt_user_session
from functions import no_preview_image
import config

from version import __version__, __branch__, __commit__, __commiturl__, __treeurl__


Image.MAX_IMAGE_PIXELS = 1 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024


class RequestFormatter( logging.Formatter ):
    def format( self, record ):
        if has_request_context():
                username = session[ "username" ] 
                username = "-"
            record.msg = "{REMOTE_ADDR} (" + username + ") - " + record.msg
            record.msg = record.msg.format( **request.headers.environ )
        return super( RequestFormatter, self ).format( record )

dictConfig( {
    'version': 1,
    'formatters': {
        'default': {
            '()': 'module.RequestFormatter',
Marco De Donno's avatar
Marco De Donno committed
            'format': '[%(asctime)s] %(levelname)s: \t%(message)s',
    'handlers': {
        'console': {
            'class': 'logging.StreamHandler',
            'formatter': 'default'
    'root': {
        'level': 'INFO',
        'handlers': [ 'console' ]
} )


app = Flask( __name__ )
app.config.from_pyfile( "" )
Compress( app )
Session( app )
if config.PROXY:
    app.wsgi_app = ProxyFix( app.wsgi_app )

baseurl = os.environ.get( "BASEURL", "" )
envtype = os.environ.get( "ENVTYPE", "" )


def session_field_required( field, value ):
    def decorator( func ):
        @functools.wraps( func )
        def wrapper_login_required( *args, **kwargs ):
            if not field in session:
                return redirect( url_for( "login" ) )
            elif not session.get( field ) == value:
                return redirect( url_for( "login" ) )
            return func( *args, **kwargs )
        return wrapper_login_required
    return decorator

def login_required( func ):
    @functools.wraps( func )
    def wrapper_login_required( *args, **kwargs ):
        if not session.get( "logged", False ) :
            return redirect( url_for( "login" ) )
        return func( *args, **kwargs )

    return wrapper_login_required

def referer_required( func ):
    @functools.wraps( func )
    def wrapper_login_required( *args, **kwargs ):
        if not request.headers.get( "Referer", False ):
            return "referrer needed", 404
        return func( *args, **kwargs )

    return wrapper_login_required

def admin_required( func ):
    @functools.wraps( func )
    def wrapper_login_required( *args, **kwargs ):
        if not session.get( "logged", False ) or not session.get( "account_type", None ) == 1:
            return redirect( url_for( "login" ) )
        return func( *args, **kwargs )

    return wrapper_login_required

@redis_cache( 15 * 60 )
def check_correct_submitter( submission_id, submitter_id ):
    sql = """
        SELECT count( * )
        FROM submissions
        WHERE uuid = %s AND submitter_id = %s
    check = config.db.query_fetchone( sql, ( submission_id, submitter_id, ) )[ "count" ]
    return check == 1

def submission_has_access( func ):
    @functools.wraps( func )
    def wrapper_login_required( *args, **kwargs ):
        submission_id = request.view_args.get( "submission_id", None )
        user_id = session.get( "user_id" )
        if not session.get( "logged", False ) or not session.get( "account_type", None ) == 3:
            return redirect( url_for( "login" ) )
        elif submission_id != None and not check_correct_submitter( submission_id, user_id ):
            return abort( 403 )
            return func( *args, **kwargs )
#    Overloads

def my_render_template( *args, **kwargs ):
    kwargs[ "baseurl" ] = baseurl
    kwargs[ "envtype" ] = envtype
    kwargs[ "js" ] = config.cdnjs
    kwargs[ "css" ] = config.cdncss
    kwargs[ "session_timeout" ] = config.session_timeout
    kwargs[ "session_security_key" ] = session.get( "session_security_key" )
    kwargs[ "account_type" ] = session.get( "account_type", None )
    kwargs[ "nist_file_extensions" ] = json.dumps( config.NIST_file_extensions )
    if session.get( "account_type", False ):
        at = account_type_id_name[ session.get( "account_type" ) ]
        kwargs[ "navigation" ] = "navigations/{}.html".format( at.lower() )
    kwargs[ "pianosendpoint" ] = config.pianosendpoint
    return render_template( *args, **kwargs )

#    Generic routing

@app.route( "/ping" )
@app.route( baseurl + "/ping" )
        Ping function to check if the web application is healthy.
        This function need to check all important element of the web application, i.e. the flask app and the postgresql database.

        If the application report a error 500, the healthcheck done by the container orchestrator will fail, hence re-scheduling the container as needed.
    if not config.db.check():
        config.db.connect() # Try to re-connect to the database to try to serve the requests before the rescheduling
        return abort( 500 )
        return "pong"
@app.route( baseurl + "/version" )
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def version():
        Function to report the version of the web app.
        The file is re-generated by the CI/CD for production.
        return jsonify( {
            "error": False,
            "version": __version__,
            "branch": __branch__,
            "commit": __commit__,
            "commiturl": __commiturl__,
            "treeurl": __treeurl__
        } )

        return jsonify( {
            "error": True
        } )
#   CDN serving

@app.route( baseurl + "/cdn/<path:subpath>" )
def send_cdn_files( subpath ):
        Serve the files from the cdn directory.
    return send_from_directory( "cdn", subpath )
#    App serving

@app.route( baseurl + "/app/<path:subpath>" )
def send_app_files( subpath ):
        Serve the file from the app directory (all files related to the ICNML application).
    return send_from_directory( "app", subpath )
@app.route( baseurl + "/static/<path:subpath>" )
def send_static_files( subpath ):
        Serve static files from the static directory.
    return send_from_directory( "static", subpath )
#    Sessions

def renew_session():
        Reset the timer before the automatic-logout.
        This function is called before every HTTP call.
    session.permanent = True
    app.permanent_session_lifetime = timedelta( seconds = config.session_timeout )

@app.route( baseurl + "/is_logged" )
def is_logged():
        App route to know if the user is logged in the ICNML main application.
        This route is used by nginx to protect some other locations, for example
        the PiAnoS dedicated pages.
        The session countdown timer is resetted to allow the user to use the protected
        location for the rest of the timeout.
    """ "Check if the user is connected" )
    if session.get( "logged", False ):
        return "ok"
        return abort( 403 )

@app.route( baseurl + "/logout" )
def logout():
        Logout the user, clear the session and redirect to the login page.
    """ "Logout and clear session" )
    return redirect( url_for( "home" ) )
def session_clear_and_prepare():
        Clear the session related to the user and initialize the login related variables.
    session[ "process" ] = "login"
    session[ "need_to_check" ] = [ "password" ]
    session[ "logged" ] = False
    session[ "session_security_key" ] = str( uuid4() )
@app.route( baseurl + "/login" )
        Route to serve the login.html page.
    """ "Login start" )
    return my_render_template( "login.html" )
@app.route( baseurl + "/do/login", methods = [ "POST" ] )
def do_login():
        Function to manadge the login workflow and check the username, password and TOTP data.
        This function is called multiple times because the check is done only for one data
        type at the time.
        If all the checks are OK, the user has provided all needed information, hence is logged in.
    #TODO: double-check this function with someone external
    #TODO: combine the security key checks in this function
    need_to_check = session.get( "need_to_check", [ "password" ] )
        current_check = need_to_check[ 0 ]
        current_check = None
    session[ "need_to_check" ] = need_to_check "Current check: {}".format( current_check ) )
    #   Username and password check

    if current_check == "password":
        q = config.db.query( "SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = %s", ( request.form.get( "username" ), ) )
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Marco De Donno committed
        user = q.fetchone()
        if user == None:
            app.logger.error( "Username not found in the database" )
Marco De Donno's avatar
Marco De Donno committed
            return jsonify( {
                "error": False,
                "logged": False
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Marco De Donno committed
            } )
        form_password = request.form.get( "password", None )
        if form_password == None or not utils.hash.pbkdf2( form_password, user[ "password" ] ).verify():
            app.logger.error( "Password not validated" )
Marco De Donno's avatar
Marco De Donno committed
            return jsonify( {
                "error": False,
                "logged": False,
Marco De Donno's avatar
Marco De Donno committed
            } )
        elif not user[ "active" ]:
            app.logger.error( "User not active" )
                "error": False,
                "logged": False,
                "message": "Your account is not activated. Please contact an administrator ("
            session[ "username" ] = user[ "username" ]
            session[ "user_id" ] = user[ "id" ]
            session[ "password_check" ] = True
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