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Commit 89fd15fa authored by Marco De Donno's avatar Marco De Donno
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Update the "Value" scale to the new one (no value / value for comparison)

This modification is done based upon the email of Heidi sent the 2019.12.05.

Hi Marco,
I got into Pianos and tested it this morning and it seems to work fine. There is only one change that is needed, and it is my fault.
When Christophe and I did the data analysis, we had to change the Value scale to have only two options, instead of 5. So now the model predicts only 1 of 2 options. So, we can't ask the examiners for their opinion out of 5 options (as they did in the original study) and then ask them if they agree with the model, because the model does not have 3 of the options.
So, can you please change just the Value tab to have only two options? These options are:

No value
Of value for comparison

The help text for no value can stay the same.

The help text for Of value for comparison should say:

This decision indicates that you would compare the mark. It does not specify whether you believe you could identify it or exclude it, but only whether it is worth taking forward to a comparison.

Sorry and thank you!!

parent c223b1e3
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