App update
Submodule web/app 1c2c7b8..bf5adfc (rewind): < Merge branch 'develop' into refactoring/cnm < Merge branch 'develop' into refactoring/cnm < Merge branch 'develop' into refactoring/cnm < Fix the donor homepage layout < Merge branch 'develop' into refactoring/cnm < Merge branch 'develop' into refactoring/cnm < Merge branch 'develop' into refactoring/cnm < Merge branch 'develop' into refactoring/cnm < Filter the marks in the target view page < Return the pfsp information for all marks in the get_marks_list_for_target_folder() function < Typo < Merge branch 'develop' into refactoring/cnm < Add the tooltip information when no target is defined for a segment < Merge branch 'develop' into refactoring/cnm < Keep the question mark if no annotation is uploaded for a particular AFIS target < Add the 'admin_create_new_target_and_redirect' function < Remove the "AFIS" button from the navigation < Show the question mark on segments without any target defined < Merge branch 'develop' into refactoring/cnm < Patch the image_annotation_serve() function for cnm_data images < Merge branch 'develop' into refactoring/cnm < Merge develop into refactoring/cnm < Merge branch 'develop' into refactoring/cnm < Center the targets on the page < Merge branch 'develop' into refactoring/cnm < First commit for the upload page < Move the "folder_list.html" file to be structured like the other views < Merge branch 'develop' into refactoring/cnm < Merge branch 'develop' into refactoring/cnm < Remove unused variable < Move the afis templates files in the 'afis' subfolder < Delete old useless files < Merge branch 'develop' into refactoring/cnm < Move the loading of all the app related js and css files to a python function < Merge branch 'develop' into refactoring/cnm < Change the layout to display the fingers and palms for the target page < Stylization of the target download button and add the "upload" button < Access control for the target view page (afis users) < Add support for uuid search for non-annontated images for the AFIS users < Merge branch 'develop' into refactoring/cnm < Patch the uuid autoopen for the cnm_data table objects < Patch the uuid autoopen for target folder show < Patch the uuid global search page < Rename the 'cnm_folder.folder_uuid' column to 'cnm_folder.uuid' < Add support to filter the AFIS target homepage with the uuid search field < Add the function to delete an AFIS target annotation on right-click < Add comments < Remove redundant admin check < Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/develop' into refactoring/cnm < Add the upload zone for annotations < Merge branch 'develop' into refactoring/cnm < Add the 'get_multi_img_fpc()' function < Patch the navigation location for afis users < Add the marks to the zip file to download < Add the non-annotated segments to the zip file to download < Add the download target zip file with annotation only < Only list the assiged users for admin account < Display to the user only the mark/references if assigned to him < Add the list of marks for the target area on the admin taget view page < SQL upper casek < Patch the navigation bar for the target show page < Add the target navigation bar for admin users < Patch the display of assigned users for the afis target search < Patch the function go get the list of segments for a particular afis target < Add the function to update the assigned users for afis target search < Update the layout of the mark and references assignee users < Refactoring of the retrieval of the users assigned for one afis target search < Extract the functions to get the list of annotations and segments related to a afis target < Force the use of the cnm type for the target annotation images retrieval < Add the button for the submitters to download the targets areas < Patch the afis segment view < Change the text on the target images annotated < Patch the submitter "show donor targets area" page < Add the display of the users for the target page for admins < Remove the search bar from the target segment page < Only get the donor informations if we load the target segment page as admin < Cut the too long SQL queries in the file < Update the navigation bar for afis users in the segment view page < Update the navigation bar for admin accounts < Get all the images for the target segment in the segment view page < Share the target segment view page between the admin and afis accounts < Add the annotation list to the afis segment show page < Add the function to generate the segment annotation image < Add support for the cnm_data table in the 'image_serve' function < Add the get_submission_uuid_for_annotation() function < Patch the miss-closed div tags < Show segments even if no target is present at the moment < Patch the 'target list' page for admin < Use the NIST segments_position_code labels instead of recreating them < Add the text "segment not available" if the segmentation has not be done < Merge branch 'develop' into refactoring/afis < Add the decorators for the afis routes (admin and login required) < Add the 'target' button on the donor page for admin users < Merge branch 'develop' into refactoring/afis < Merge branch 'develop' into refactoring/afis < Add the information message if no segment image is present in the folder < Add the box around the non annotated images < Add the segment page for the afis user < Add the clickable link on the afis user folder list page < Add the list of segments to search in the user view < Remove all the afis part