NFIQ2 on docker =============== This docker image provide a compilation environement for the NIST Finger Image Quality 2 (NFIQ2) software developped by the NIST (for more information regarding the NFIQ2, see the [offical website]( or the [github repo]( ## How to build The building process is very simple. First, install [docker]( The second step is to run this docker image as follow: docker build -t nfiq2 . This command will produce a docker image with the compiled binaris in the `/NFIQ2/NFIQ2/bin/NFIQ2` folder. ## How to use Since the docker image is separate of the host system, to run the NFIQ2 script on data present on the host, we have to share a volume while starting the docker image: docker run -it -v :/data nfiq2 bash It also possible to run directly the `NFIQ2` script from the host without having to type the commands in the docker-image bash: mdedonno@dockerdev:/mnt/hgfs/D/Library/docker-NFIQ2/src$ docker run -it -v $(pwd):/data nfiq2 /NFIQ2/NFIQ2/bin/NFIQ2 USAGE: NFIQ2 [specific run mode arguments] : run mode of NFIQ2 tool, possible values SINGLE, BATCH run mode SINGLE: ---------------- NFIQ2 SINGLE : path and filename to a fingerprint image : one of following values describing the fingerprint image format BMP, WSQ : if to print computed quality feature values true, false : if to print speed of quality feature computation true, false run mode BATCH: --------------- NFIQ2 BATCH [] : path and filename to a list of fingerprint images : one of following values describing the fingerprint image format of all images in the input list BMP, WSQ : path and filename of the CSV output file that will contain NFIQ2 values and (optional) feature values : if to add computed quality feature values to the resulting CSV output file true, false : if to compute the speed of NFIQ2 computation true, false : path and filename of another CSV output file that will contain the NFIQ2 speed values (optional argument, only applied if outputSpeed = true) ## Export the executable to an other docker image To use only the compiled binaries into an other docker-image, it is possible to use a two-stage docker image (as this one), changing the `Running environnement` as needed, or export a tar version with only the compiled binaries: docker run -it -v $(pwd):/data nfiq2 tar -zcvf /data/NFIQ2-linux-x84_64.tgz /NFIQ2 The tar file can the be used with the following `Dockerfile` image: FROM centos ADD NFIQ2-linux-x84_64.tgz / ENV LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/NFIQ2/libOpenCV/lib:/NFIQ2/biomdi/common/lib:/NFIQ2/biomdi/fingerminutia/lib