NFIQ2 on docker =============== This docker image provide a compilation environement for the NIST Finger Image Quality 2 (NFIQ2) software developped by the NIST (for more information regarding the NFIQ2, see the [offical website]( or the [github repo]( ## How to build The building process is very simple. First, install [docker]( The second step is to run this docker image as follow: docker build -t nfiq2 . This command will produce a docker image with the compiled binaris in the `/NFIQ2/NFIQ2/bin/NFIQ2` folder. ## How to use Since the docker image is separate of the host system, to run the NFIQ2 script on data present on the host, we have to share a volume while starting the docker image: docker run -it -v :/data nfiq bash It also possible to run directly the `NFIQ2` script from the host without having to type the commands in the docker-image bash: mdedonno@dockerdev:/mnt/hgfs/D/Library/docker-NFIQ2/src$ docker run -it -v $(pwd):/data nfiq2 /NFIQ2/NFIQ2/bin/NFIQ2 USAGE: NFIQ2 [specific run mode arguments] : run mode of NFIQ2 tool, possible values SINGLE, BATCH run mode SINGLE: ---------------- NFIQ2 SINGLE : path and filename to a fingerprint image : one of following values describing the fingerprint image format BMP, WSQ : if to print computed quality feature values true, false : if to print speed of quality feature computation true, false run mode BATCH: --------------- NFIQ2 BATCH [] : path and filename to a list of fingerprint images : one of following values describing the fingerprint image format of all images in the input list BMP, WSQ : path and filename of the CSV output file that will contain NFIQ2 values and (optional) feature values : if to add computed quality feature values to the resulting CSV output file true, false : if to compute the speed of NFIQ2 computation true, false : path and filename of another CSV output file that will contain the NFIQ2 speed values (optional argument, only applied if outputSpeed = true) ## Export the executable to an other docker image To use only the compiled binaries into an other docker-image, it is possible to use a two-stage docker image (as this one), changing the `Running environnement` as needed, or export a tar version with only the compiled binaries: docker run -it -v $(pwd):/data nfiq2 tar -zcvf /data/NFIQ2-linux-x84_64.tgz /NFIQ2 The tar file can the be used with the following `Dockerfile` image: FROM centos ADD NFIQ2-linux-x84_64.tgz / ENV LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/NFIQ2/libOpenCV/lib:/NFIQ2/biomdi/common/lib:/NFIQ2/biomdi/fingerminutia/lib ## How to test To run the complianceTestSet, get a shell inside the docker image: docker run -it nfiq2 bash go to the complianceTestSet folder: cd NFIQ2/complianceTestSet/ and run the test as usual: ./run_nfiq2_complianceTest.csh Note that the `run_nfiq2_complianceTest.csh` outputs an error even if the test is OK: mdedonno@dockerdev:/mnt/hgfs/D/Library/docker-NFIQ2/src$ docker run -it nfiq2 bash [root@3f21e99ced3d /]# cd NFIQ2/complianceTestSet/ [root@3f21e99ced3d complianceTestSet]# ./run_nfiq2_complianceTest.csh Running compliance test for ../NFIQ2/bin/NFIQ2 ... NFIQ 2.0 COMPLIANCE TEST STARTS NOW NFIQ2: Compute quality score for fingerprint images in list fpImageList.txt Time needed for initialization of module: 1135.600 ms Running batch computation ... FVC2000_Db1_10_8.bmp: NFIQ2 score = 56 FVC2000_Db1_100_1.bmp: NFIQ2 score = 3 FVC2000_Db1_100_2.bmp: NFIQ2 score = 4 ... FVC2002_Db1_89_1.bmp: NFIQ2 score = 88 Batch computation done Files my_nfiq_numbers.txt and complianceTest_NFIQ2_scores.csv differ NFIQ COMPLIANCE TEST OF (../NFIQ2/bin/NFIQ2) COMPLETED If the NFIQ2 scores are produced, the compilation is OK. The file produced here deffers of the test file because of the presence of multiples columns in the output file that are not present in the test file.