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Marco De Donno's avatar
Marco De Donno committed

Marco De Donno's avatar
Marco De Donno committed

* First Sphinx documentation

Marco De Donno's avatar
Marco De Donno committed

* Add the init_latent(), init_print(), init_new() functions in the NISTf() class.
* Add **options in various functions to allow func( **params ) calls.
* Overload the 'add_Type09()' function in the NIST_MDD() class to set the pairing information.
* Add support for the Type14 in various functions.
* Remove deprecated functions.
* Add the NIST().merge() function. 
* Store the result of the self.get_ntype() if multiple calls have to be done in the same function (performance issues).
* Change default standard value to '0300'.
Marco De Donno's avatar
Marco De Donno committed

* Add the Annotation, Minutia, Core classes
* Add the AnnotationList class
* Change the format of the Minutiae and Core stored in the NIST object (from list to Minutia() and Core() object).

Marco De Donno's avatar
Marco De Donno committed

* Split the 'crop()' function in 'crop_latent()' and 'crop_print()' functions.
* Delete all empty IDC and ntypes in the clean() function.
* Add the 'add_type14()' function with default values.
* Add the minutiae_filter() function.
* Add the NIST_MDD class to process NIST objects with pairing information (user-defined field 9.255), and add function to annotate the pairing information in the get_annotated() function
* Monkey-patch of the x.001 field (not in agreement with the NIST standard).
* Add support for PNG format.
* Optimization of the get_latent_annotated(), get_print_annotated() and get_annotated() functions.

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Marco De Donno committed

* Auto-increment of the Minutia id if not provided.
* Add the 'set_cores()' function.
* Annotate all the cores if multiple cores are stored in the NIST object.
* Automatic selection of the correct diptych with the 'get_diptych()' function.
* Add support for Type04 in the 'set_resolution()' function.
* Change the variable to MDmisc.RecursiveDefaultDict.defDict().
* Add the 'update()' function.
* Clean the NIST object before printing.
* Check the IDC field (x.002) for each ntype in the clean() function.
* Patch the fields 1.011 and 1.012 according to the NIST standard.

Marco De Donno's avatar
Marco De Donno committed

* Add the function to crop fingermark and fingerprint images.
* Add support for uncompressed (RAW) Type-04 images, and adapt the 'changeResolution()' function.
* Add the function 'get_image()', with automatic determination of the main type (latent or print image).
* Add the 'export_latent()' and 'export_print()', and the annotated equivalent functions.
* Add support to crop Type13 and Type04 images.

Marco De Donno's avatar
Marco De Donno committed

* Add the first attempt for NIST object with M1 annotation format.
* Add misc functions.
* Bug-fix in some docstrings.
* Add the identifier field for the NIST object.
* Add some information in the head of the string-representation of the NIST object.
* Add support for the JPEG2K format for latent images.
* Add the formatter function to print formatted binary fields.
* Change the name of the main class in the Morpho module.
* Use of the Python3 division module.

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Marco De Donno committed
Marco De Donno's avatar
Marco De Donno committed

* Add functions related to the image processing (get the latent annotated, quality map, ...).
* Change the format of the NIST object representation (non prittable character, ...).
* Move deprecated functions.
* Add functions to set values for latent and print (set_width(), set_height(), ...).
* Add function to change the main class of the NIST object.
* Add support for passing tuple in the set_field() function instead of a tag-string.
* Add the functions get_diptych() and get_tetraptych()
Marco De Donno's avatar
Marco De Donno committed

Marco De Donno's avatar
Marco De Donno committed
Marco De Donno's avatar
Marco De Donno committed

* Extend the NIST-fingerprint library to work with the ULWLQMetric module (added in the default installer).
Marco De Donno's avatar
Marco De Donno committed
* Misc patches.
Marco De Donno's avatar
Marco De Donno committed
* Bug around : if the 1.003 field is malformed (an IDC is missing), the missing value is replaced with a 1.
* Move deprecated methods in the NISTf_deprecated. Need to import this class instead of NISTf if you want to use deprecated functions with the old code (not recommended !).
Marco De Donno's avatar
Marco De Donno committed
* Function to add the case name (field 2.007) for Morpho NIST objects.
* Move the version of the standard in a class attribute (changeable on the fly).
* Add the function get_minutiae_all() to get the minutiae from all fingers in one list of lists.
Marco De Donno's avatar
Marco De Donno committed

Marco De Donno's avatar
Marco De Donno committed
Marco De Donno's avatar
Marco De Donno committed

* Update the names of the imports.
* Deprecation of the get_image() function.
* First version of the function to work with fingerprints (get_print() to get the PIL or WSQ image) from 4.999 WSQ encoded image.
* Patch the get_minutiae() function (order of values).

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Marco De Donno committed
Marco De Donno's avatar
Marco De Donno committed

* Add the versioneer module to manage the version name in the setup file produced. 
* Modification of the structure of the module: separation of the traditional module from the fingerprint functions.
* Change the parameter 'minutiae' in NIST.fingerprint.NISTf.add_Type09() to optional.
* Misc optimizations.

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Marco De Donno committed
Marco De Donno's avatar
Marco De Donno committed

Marco De Donno's avatar
Marco De Donno committed
* Update from distutils.core to setuptools
Marco De Donno's avatar
Marco De Donno committed
* Count the number of minutiae present in the NIST object (field 9.010).
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Marco De Donno committed
* Checker for the minutiae field (all minutiae have to be on the image).
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Marco De Donno committed
* Function to add default empty records (Type-01, Type-02, Type-09 and Type-13).
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Marco De Donno committed
* Code cleaning.
Marco De Donno's avatar
Marco De Donno committed

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Marco De Donno committed
Marco De Donno's avatar
Marco De Donno committed

* Change in the structure of the package, and addition of the __init__ file to load the NIST package
* Rewriting of the module.
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Marco De Donno committed
* get_fields() and set_fields() to get and set multiple fields at once
Marco De Donno's avatar
Marco De Donno committed
* Documentation of all fields (name and abbreviation) 
* Type-14, Type-10, Type-15, Type-16, Type-17, Type-18, Type-19, Type-20, Type-21, Type-98 and Type-99 parser

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Marco De Donno committed
Marco De Donno's avatar
Marco De Donno committed

* Function to delete a ntype, idc or field
* Updater for the File Content field (1.003) based on the content of the NIST object
* Field 4.005 checker (conformation to the standard)
* Type-04 dumper
* Patch the type for the Type-04 data
* Bug fix for the unsupported Type (allowing to skip the record)
* Bug fix for the data in 999 tagid
* Bug fix for the order of the excepted ntype

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Marco De Donno committed
Marco De Donno's avatar
Marco De Donno committed

* Warning for unsupported Type
* Type-04 parser
* get_caseName, get_center
* 'Grayscale Compression Algorithm' field decoder
* Functions for image format transform (PIL <-> RAW)
* Get and set the latent friction ridge image (Type-13) in PIL and RAW format


* Parser between the 9.012 field and the minutiae table
* Function to return the minutiae table

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Marco De Donno committed
Marco De Donno's avatar
Marco De Donno committed

* Autoloader (to detect the type (NIST object or URI to file) and load it in memory
* @deprecated decorator for sort deprecation (backward compatibility)
* Function to check and return the IDC (if unique) of a ntype
* Function to get the content of a field via the field-tag
* tagSplitter function

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Marco De Donno committed
Marco De Donno's avatar
Marco De Donno committed

* __str__ and __repr__ functions
* Function to write the NIST object to disk
* Function do dump the content of the NIST object in binary (ready to write to disk)
* Function to check some errors possible in the content of the NIST object
* Function to return the tag from a ntype and a tagid
* Set an IDC for Type-01, even if the standard says nothing about it. For simplification of the code later
* Function to clean the (deletion of empty fields)
* Add some fields in the LABEL variable

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Marco De Donno committed
Marco De Donno's avatar
Marco De Donno committed

* Function to dump the content of the NIST object in a string variable
* Add the leveler function
* Function to get the abbreviation and description of fields
* Functions to get the list of ntype and idc's
* Move the Logger class to the misc library.

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Marco De Donno committed
Marco De Donno's avatar
Marco De Donno committed

* Function to process the File Content (field 1.003)
* LABEL of some fields
* Debug information
* Binary onscreen dumper

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Marco De Donno committed
Marco De Donno's avatar
Marco De Donno committed

* First version of the parser for Type-01, Type-02, Type-09 and Type-13
* Initial commit