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CHANGELOG.txt 3.03 KiB
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Marco De Donno's avatar
Marco De Donno committed

* Add the versioneer module to manage the version name in the setup file produced. 
* Modification of the structure of the module: separation of the traditional module from the fingerprint functions.
* Change the parameter 'minutiae' in NIST.fingerprint.NISTf.add_Type09() to optional.
* Misc optimizations.

Marco De Donno's avatar
Marco De Donno committed

Marco De Donno's avatar
Marco De Donno committed
* Update from distutils.core to setuptools
* Count the number of minuatiae present in the NIST object (field 9.010).
* Checker for the minutiae field (all minutiae have to be on the image).
Marco De Donno's avatar
Marco De Donno committed
* Function to add default empty records (Type-01, Type-02, Type-09 and Type-13).
Marco De Donno's avatar
Marco De Donno committed
* Code cleaning.
Marco De Donno's avatar
Marco De Donno committed

Marco De Donno's avatar
Marco De Donno committed

* Change in the structure of the package, and addition of the __init__ file to load the NIST package
* Rewriting of the module.
* get_fields() and set_fields() to get and set multiples fields at once
* Documentation of all fields (name and abbreviation) 
* Type-14, Type-10, Type-15, Type-16, Type-17, Type-18, Type-19, Type-20, Type-21, Type-98 and Type-99 parser

Marco De Donno's avatar
Marco De Donno committed

* Function to delete a ntype, idc or field
* Updater for the File Content field (1.003) based on the content of the NIST object
* Field 4.005 checker (conformation to the standard)
* Type-04 dumper
* Patch the type for the Type-04 data
* Bug fix for the unsupported Type (allowing to skip the record)
* Bug fix for the data in 999 tagid
* Bug fix for the order of the excepted ntype


* Warning for unsupported Type
* Type-04 parser
* get_caseName, get_center
* 'Grayscale Compression Algorithm' field decoder
* Functions for image format transform (PIL <-> RAW)
* Get and set the latent friction ridge image (Type-13) in PIL and RAW format


* Parser between the 9.012 field and the minutiae table
* Function to return the minutiae table


* Autoloader (to detect the type (NIST object or URI to file) and load it in memory
* @deprecated decorator for sort deprecation (backward compatibility)
* Function to check and return the IDC (if unique) of a ntype
* Function to get the content of a field via the field-tag
* tagSplitter function


* __str__ and __repr__ functions
* Function to write the NIST object to disk
* Function do dump the content of the NIST object in binary (ready to write to disk)
* Function to check some errors possible in the content of the NIST object
* Function to return the tag from a ntype and a tagid
* Set an IDC for Type-01, even if the standard says nothing about it. For simplification of the code later
* Function to clean the (deletion of empty fields)
* Add some fields in the LABEL variable


* Function to dump the content of the NIST object in a string variable
* Add the leveler function
* Function to get the abbreviation and description of fields
* Functions to get the list of ntype and idc's
* Move the Logger class to the misc library.


* Function to process the File Content (field 1.003)
* LABEL of some fields
* Debug information
* Binary onscreen dumper


* First version of the parser for Type-01, Type-02, Type-09 and Type-13
* Initial commit