Dev ~~~ New feature: * Convert by default the images to png. v. 4.4.0 ~~~~~~~~ New features: * Add the 's' shortcut to save the exercise. * Add the link to get the distorsion map (print to mark). * Add the anonymous review tool. * Get the git hash and branch on the login page. * Add the notification if the communication with the server is down. * Upload multiple latents and print. * Add the latent location area interface. * Add the interface to view and change image meta-data. * Add the multi-case review. * Add the TPS-delta-line on each minutiae to indicate the local distorsion. Options: * Add the Makefile commands to switch between the production and developpement version. Dev: * Add the CICD script to build and auto-deploy to production (as configured in the gitlab repo). v. 4.3.3 ~~~~~~~~ Delete a user even if it has no personnal folder. v. 4.3.2 ~~~~~~~~ Patch the empty values for the nonMendatory fields. v. 4.3.1 ~~~~~~~~ Patch the conversion factor between mm and inch. v. 4.3.0 ~~~~~~~~ New features: * Create folder inside of a folder. * Slider to change the size of the minutiae and pairing information. * Slider to change the transparency of the minutiae. * Animation when overing over a minutiae (easy-select). * Add the possiblity to annotate the core on the latent fingermark. * Add the shift-right and shift-left to navigate between exercices. * Link to switch from an Admin account to any other account. * Add the 'get_image_date' function to the main API. * Add the TPS tooling (anchors and ghost cursor). Updates: * Change the design and size of the minutiae to be compatible with an AFIS system and the NIST standard. * The installation script now use the pianos.sql file and not the udb file anymore. * Move the defaults libs to thee CDN folder. * Use the toastr library to notify the user. New options: * User can create (or not) new cases in the personnal folder. * Allow to disable some required data (quality, questions at the bottom, ...). v. 4.2.1 ~~~~~~~~ Patchs: * Fixed analysis minutiae appearing yellow (i.e. modified in comparison) when server was running in a negative timezone (e.g. Canada) v. 4.2.0 ~~~~~~~~ Patchs: *(tutor) Fixed observations being shown for all users, even when filtering is active. Now only filtered users' results appear. Add: * (tutor) Added folder duplication, to make complete copies of a folder and its exercises (but not the results) * (tutor) Added ability to rename folders and user groups. * Added "re-use analysis in a new case" for personal cases, that allows to re-use a mark and its analysis with a new print * Added "re-use analysis from another case" for an exercise that uses a mark that was previously analyzed in another exercise Changes: * (tutor) Added links to download images as administrator from the Image Manager and the exercise view * Added support for HTTP caching with images. This should greatly reduce the bandwidth used. v. 4.1.0 ~~~~~~~~ Patchs: * Fixed incorrect results being shown in tutor review mode (would show last saved instead of submitted in some cases) * Fixed missing information in the results summary dialog Add: * Added the results filter option Change: * Improved the results summary dialog v. 4.0.0 ~~~~~~~~ * Initial release