#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- from _collections import defaultdict import json from flask import Blueprint import config from const import pfsp from utils.decorator import login_required from utils.template import my_render_template from MDmisc.RecursiveDefaultDict import edefaultdict, defDict trainer_view = Blueprint( "trainer", __name__, template_folder = "templates" ) @trainer_view.route( "/trainer/search" ) @login_required def search(): """ Provide the search page. """ sql = """ SELECT files.id, files.uuid, mark_info.pfsp, mark_info.detection_technic, mark_info.surface, files.note, submissions.uuid AS submission_uuid, users.username FROM files LEFT JOIN mark_info ON mark_info.uuid = files.uuid LEFT JOIN submissions ON files.folder = submissions.id LEFT JOIN users ON submissions.donor_id = users.id WHERE ( files.type = 3 OR files.type = 4 ) ORDER BY files.id ASC """ marks = config.db.query_fetchall( sql ) sql = """ SELECT submissions.uuid AS submissions_uuid, segments_locations.fpc, segments_locations.tenprint_id FROM segments_locations INNER JOIN files ON segments_locations.tenprint_id = files.uuid LEFT JOIN submissions ON files.folder = submissions.id ORDER BY fpc """ ref_list = config.db.query_fetchall( sql ) refs = defDict() for ref in ref_list: refs[ ref[ "submissions_uuid" ] ][ ref[ "fpc" ] ] = ref[ "tenprint_id" ] all_detection_technics = config.db.query_fetchall( "SELECT * FROM detection_technics ORDER BY name ASC" ) surfaces = config.db.query_fetchall( "SELECT * FROM surfaces ORDER BY name ASC" ) for _, v in enumerate( marks ): for col in [ "detection_technic", "surface", "note" ]: for old, new in [ ( "{", "" ), ( "}", "" ), ( "\n", "; " ) ]: try: v[ col ] = v[ col ].replace( old, new ) except: pass v[ "username" ] = v[ "username" ].replace( "_", " " ) # PFSP zones to fpc pfsp2fpc = defaultdict( list ) for pfc in xrange( 1, 11 ): for loc in [ "tip", "distal" ]: pfsp2fpc[ "F{}-{}".format( pfc, loc ) ].append( pfc ) pfsp2fpc[ "F1-tip" ].append( 11 ) pfsp2fpc[ "F1-distal" ].append( 11 ) pfsp2fpc[ "F6-tip" ].append( 12 ) pfsp2fpc[ "F6-distal" ].append( 12 ) for side, fpc in [ ( "Right", 25 ), ( "Left", 27 ) ]: for z in [ "grasp", "carpal_delta_area", "wrist_bracelet", "thenar", "hypothenar", "interdigital", "writer_palm" ]: pfsp2fpc[ "{}-{}".format( side, z ) ].append( fpc ) pfsp2fpc[ "Right-writer_palm" ].append( 22 ) pfsp2fpc[ "Left-writer_palm" ].append( 24 ) # return my_render_template( "trainer/search.html", marks = marks, refs = refs, pfsp2fpc = pfsp2fpc, all_detection_technics = all_detection_technics, surfaces = surfaces, all_pfsp = pfsp.zones )