# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
from cStringIO import StringIO
from email.mime.application import MIMEApplication
from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart
from email.mime.text import MIMEText
from threading import Thread
import functools
import hashlib
import json
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont
from flask import render_template, send_from_directory
from flask import send_file
from flask import session
from flask import url_for
from flask_compress import Compress
from werkzeug import abort, redirect
import gnupg
import pytz
import time
from PiAnoS import caseExistsInDB
from functions import pbkdf2, AESCipher
from functions import random_data
from functions import render_jinja_html
from functions import rotate_image_upon_exif
from version import __version__, __branch__, __commit__, __commiturl__, __treeurl__

Marco De Donno
Image.MAX_IMAGE_PIXELS = 1 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024
baseurl = os.environ.get( "BASEURL", "" )
envtype = os.environ.get( "ENVTYPE", "" )

Marco De Donno
# Decorators

Marco De Donno
def session_field_required( field, value ):
def decorator( func ):
@functools.wraps( func )
def wrapper_login_required( *args, **kwargs ):
if not field in session:
return redirect( url_for( "login" ) )
elif not session.get( field ) == value:
return redirect( url_for( "login" ) )
return func( *args, **kwargs )
return wrapper_login_required
return decorator
def login_required( func ):
@functools.wraps( func )
def wrapper_login_required( *args, **kwargs ):
return redirect( url_for( "login" ) )
return func( *args, **kwargs )
return wrapper_login_required
def referer_required( func ):
@functools.wraps( func )
def wrapper_login_required( *args, **kwargs ):
if not request.headers.get( "Referer", False ):
return "referrer needed", 404
return func( *args, **kwargs )
return wrapper_login_required
def admin_required( func ):
@functools.wraps( func )
def wrapper_login_required( *args, **kwargs ):
if not session.get( "logged", False ) or not session.get( "account_type", None ) == 1:
return redirect( url_for( "login" ) )
return func( *args, **kwargs )
return wrapper_login_required

Marco De Donno
def redis_cache( ttl = 3600 ):
def decorator( func ):
@functools.wraps( func )
def wrapper_cache( *args, **kwargs ):
lst = []
lst.append( func.__name__ )
lst.extend( args )
index = "_".join( lst )
index = hashlib.sha256( index ).hexdigest()
d = config.redis_shared.get( index )
if d != None:
buff = StringIO()
buff.write( base64.b64decode( d ) ) 0 )

Marco De Donno
d = func( *args, **kwargs )
buff = StringIO()

Marco De Donno
committed 0 )
d_cached = base64.b64encode( buff.getvalue() )
config.redis_shared.set( index, d_cached, ex = ttl )
return d
return wrapper_cache
return decorator
# Generic routing
@app.route( "/ping" )
@app.route( baseurl + "/ping" )
Ping function to check if the web application is healthy.
This function need to check all important element of the web application, i.e. the flask app and the postgresql database.
If the application report a error 500, the healthcheck done by the container orchestrator will fail, hence re-scheduling the container as needed.
config.db.connect() # Try to re-connect to the database to try to serve the requests before the rescheduling
return abort( 500 )
return "pong"
Function to report the version of the web app.
The file is re-generated by the CI/CD for production.
"error": False,
"version": __version__,
"branch": __branch__,
"commit": __commit__,
"commiturl": __commiturl__,
"treeurl": __treeurl__
} )
return jsonify( {
"error": True
} )
# CDN serving
@app.route( baseurl + "/cdn/<path:subpath>" )
def send_cdn_files( subpath ):
Serve the files from the cdn directory.
return send_from_directory( "cdn", subpath )
# App serving
@app.route( baseurl + "/app/<path:subpath>" )
def send_app_files( subpath ):
Serve the file from the app directory (all files related to the ICNML application).
return send_from_directory( "app", subpath )
@app.route( baseurl + "/static/<path:subpath>" )
def send_static_files( subpath ):
Serve static files from the static directory.
return send_from_directory( "static", subpath )
# Sessions
def renew_session():
Reset the timer before the automatic-logout.
This function is called before every HTTP call.
session.permanent = True
app.permanent_session_lifetime = timedelta( seconds = config.session_timeout )
App route to know if the user is logged in the ICNML main application.
This route is used by nginx to protect some other locations, for example
the PiAnoS dedicated pages.
The session countdown timer is resetted to allow the user to use the protected
location for the rest of the timeout.
if session.get( "logged", False ):
return "ok"
return abort( 403 )
Logout the user, clear the session and redirect to the login page.
def session_clear_and_prepare():
Clear the session related to the user and initialize the login related variables.
session[ "process" ] = "login"
session[ "need_to_check" ] = [ "password" ]
session[ "logged" ] = False
session[ "session_security_key" ] = str( uuid4() )
Route to serve the login.html page.
return render_template(
baseurl = baseurl,
js = config.cdnjs,
css = config.cdncss,
session_timeout = config.session_timeout,
session_security_key = session.get( "session_security_key" ),
envtype = envtype
@app.route( baseurl + "/do/login", methods = [ "POST" ] )
Function to manadge the login workflow and check the username, password and TOTP data.
This function is called multiple times because the check is done only for one data
type at the time.
If all the checks are OK, the user has provided all needed information, hence is logged in.
#TODO: double-check this function with someone external
#TODO: combine the security key checks in this function
need_to_check = session.get( "need_to_check", [ "password" ] )
current_check = need_to_check[ 0 ]
current_check = None
session[ "need_to_check" ] = need_to_check
# Username and password check
q = config.db.query( "SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = %s", ( request.form.get( "username" ), ) )
} )
form_password = request.form.get( "password", None )
if form_password == None or not pbkdf2( form_password, user[ "password" ] ).verify():
return jsonify( {
"error": False,
"logged": False,
"message": "Your account is not activated. Please contact an administrator ("
} )
session[ "username" ] = user[ "username" ]
session[ "user_id" ] = user[ "id" ]
session[ "password_check" ] = True
session[ "need_to_check" ].remove( current_check )
session[ "password" ] = pbkdf2( form_password, "AES256", config.PASSWORD_NB_ITERATIONS ).hash()
sql = "SELECT count( * ) FROM webauthn WHERE user_id = %s AND active = TRUE"
security_keys_count = config.db.query_fetchone( sql, ( user[ "id" ], ) )[ "count" ]
if security_keys_count > 0:
session[ "need_to_check" ].append( "securitykey" )
elif user[ "totp" ]:
session[ "need_to_check" ].append( "totp" )
return jsonify( {
"error": False,
"logged": False,
"message": "Second factor missing. Contact the ICNML administrator ("
} )
# Time-based One Time Password check
elif current_check == "totp":
q = config.db.query( "SELECT username, totp FROM users WHERE username = %s", ( session[ "username" ], ) )
if not pyotp.TOTP( user[ "totp" ] ).verify( request.form[ "totp" ], valid_window = 2 ):
session[ "logged" ] = False
"error": False,
"logged": False,
"message": "Wrong TOTP",
"time": time.time()
session[ "need_to_check" ].remove( current_check )
# Check if all the data has been provided; login if ok
if len( session[ "need_to_check" ] ) == 0 and session.get( "password_check", False ):
for key in [ "process", "need_to_check", "password_check" ]:

Marco De Donno
if key in session:
session.pop( key )
q = config.db.query( "SELECT type FROM users WHERE username = %s", ( session[ "username" ], ) )

Marco De Donno
session[ "account_type" ] = int( user[ "type" ] )
"error": False,
"next_step": session[ "need_to_check" ][ 0 ]
# Reset
def password_reset():
Serve the password_reset.html page.
session[ "process" ] = "request_password_reset"
return render_template(
baseurl = baseurl,
js = config.cdnjs,
css = config.cdncss,
envtype = envtype
@app.route( baseurl + "/do/reset_password", methods = [ "POST" ] )
def do_password_reset():
Start the check of the username for a password reset.
The check is done in a thread to allow a fast "OK" response, even if the username
does not exists. This prevent data extraction (presence or not of a username).
email = request.form.get( "email", None )
Thread( target = do_password_reset_thread, args = ( email, ) ).start()
return jsonify( {
} )
def do_password_reset_thread( email ):
Search in the database if the provided email is present, and send the password reset email if so.

Marco De Donno
if email == None:
return False
q = config.db.query( "SELECT id, username, email FROM users" )

Marco De Donno
users = q.fetchall()

Marco De Donno
for user in users:
if not user[ "email" ].startswith( "pbkdf2$" ):

Marco De Donno
elif pbkdf2( email, user[ "email" ] ).verify():

Marco De Donno
id = hashlib.sha512( random_data( 100 ) ).hexdigest()
data = {
"process": "password_reset",
"process_id": id,
"user_id": user[ "id" ]

Marco De Donno
data = json.dumps( data )
data = base64.b64encode( data )
config.redis_shared.set( "reset_" + id, data, ex = 24 * 3600 )
email_content = render_jinja_html(
"templates/email", "reset.html",
id = id,
url = config.domain + baseurl + "/reset_password_stage2",
username = user[ "username" ]
msg = MIMEText( email_content, "html" )
msg[ "Subject" ] = "ICNML - User password reset"
msg[ "From" ] = config.sender
msg[ "To" ] = email

Marco De Donno
s = smtplib.SMTP( config.smtpserver )
s.sendmail( config.sender, [ email ], msg.as_string() )
@app.route( baseurl + "/reset_password_stage2/<id>", methods = [ "GET", "POST" ] )
def password_reset_stage2( id ):
Serve the reset password, second stage (password edit fields) page,
and set the data in the database if provided.
#TODO: double-check this function with someone external
id = str( id )
data = config.redis_shared.get( "reset_" + id )
if data != None:
data = base64.b64decode( data )
data = json.loads( data )
password = request.form.get( "password", None )
userid = data.get( "user_id", None )
if password != None:
password = pbkdf2( password, random_data( 50 ), config.EMAIL_NB_ITERATIONS ).hash()
config.db.query( "UPDATE users SET password = %s WHERE id = %s", ( password, userid ) )
config.redis_shared.delete( "reset_" + id )
return jsonify( {
"error": False,
"password_updated": True
} )
return render_template(
baseurl = baseurl,
id = id,
js = config.cdnjs,
css = config.cdncss,
envtype = envtype
return jsonify( {
"error": True,
"message": "Reset procedure not found/expired"
Serve the administartion page for the FIDO2 keys.
return render_template(
baseurl = baseurl,
js = config.cdnjs,
css = config.cdncss,
session_timeout = config.session_timeout,

Marco De Donno
account_type = session.get( "account_type", None ),
keys = do_u2f_get_list_of_keys( all = True ),
envtype = envtype
def do_u2f_get_list_of_keys( uid = None, all = False ):
Get the list of keys for a particular user.
Can be filtered by active keys only with the `all` parameter.
If the user id (uid) variable is not passed in parameter, the id of the currently logged user will be used (via the session).
user_id = session.get( "user_id", uid )
sql = "SELECT id, key_name as name, created_on, last_usage, usage_counter, active FROM webauthn WHERE user_id = %s"
if not all:
sql += " AND active = true"
sql += " ORDER BY usage_counter DESC"
q = config.db.query( sql, ( user_id, ) )
keys = q.fetchall()
data = []
for key in keys:
data.append( dict( key ) )
return data
@app.route( baseurl + "/u2f/begin_activate", methods = [ "POST" ] )
Start the registering process for a new security key.
The json returned will be used by the javascript navigator.credentials.create() function.
session[ "key_name" ] = request.form.get( "key_name", None )
username = session.get( "username" )
challenge = pyotp.random_base32( 64 )
ukey = pyotp.random_base32( 64 )
session[ "challenge" ] = challenge
session[ "register_ukey" ] = ukey
make_credential_options = webauthn.WebAuthnMakeCredentialOptions(
challenge, config.rp_name, config.RP_ID,
ukey, username, username,

Marco De Donno
registration_dict = make_credential_options.registration_dict
registration_dict[ "authenticatorSelection" ] = {
"authenticatorAttachment": "cross-platform",
"requireResidentKey": False,
"userVerification": "discouraged"

Marco De Donno
return jsonify( registration_dict )
@app.route( baseurl + "/u2f/verify", methods = [ "POST" ] )
Verify the data produced by the security key while registring
(with the navigator.credentials.create() function).
challenge = session[ "challenge" ]
user_id = session[ "user_id" ]
key_name = session.get( "key_name", None )
response = request.form
webauthn_registration_response = webauthn.WebAuthnRegistrationResponse(
webauthn_credential = webauthn_registration_response.verify()
except Exception as e:
"error": True,
"message": "Registration failed. Error: {}".format( e )
INSERT INTO webauthn
( user_id, key_name, ukey, credential_id, pub_key, sign_count )
VALUES ( %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s )
user_id, key_name,
ukey, webauthn_credential.credential_id,
webauthn_credential.public_key, webauthn_credential.sign_count,
return jsonify( {
"success": "User successfully registered."
@app.route( baseurl + "/u2f/delete", methods = [ "POST" ] )
Delete a key based upon the key id and name for the currently logged user.
#TODO: only use the key_id variable, buggy with the key name if not set by the user
key_id = request.form.get( "key_id", False )
key_name = request.form.get( "key_name", False )
config.db.query( "DELETE FROM webauthn WHERE id = %s AND key_name = %s AND user_id = %s", ( key_id, key_name, userid, ) )
return jsonify( {
} )
except Exception as e:
return jsonify( {
@app.route( baseurl + "/u2f/disable", methods = [ "POST" ] )
Disable a particular security key for the current user.
key_id = request.form.get( "key_id", False )
key_name = request.form.get( "key_name", False )
config.db.query( "UPDATE webauthn SET active = False WHERE id = %s AND key_name = %s AND user_id = %s", ( key_id, key_name, userid, ) )
return jsonify( {
} )
except Exception as e:
return jsonify( {
@app.route( baseurl + "/u2f/enable", methods = [ "POST" ] )
Activation of a security key for the current user.
key_id = request.form.get( "key_id", False )
key_name = request.form.get( "key_name", False )
config.db.query( "UPDATE webauthn SET active = True WHERE id = %s AND key_name = %s AND user_id = %s", ( key_id, key_name, userid, ) )
return jsonify( {
} )
except Exception as e:
return jsonify( {
@app.route( baseurl + "/u2f/rename", methods = [ "POST" ] )
def u2f_rename_key():
Rename a security key for the current user.
key_id = request.form.get( "key_id", False )
key_name = request.form.get( "key_name", False )
config.db.query( "UPDATE webauthn SET key_name = %s WHERE id = %s AND user_id = %s", ( key_name, key_id, userid, ) )
return jsonify( {
} )
except Exception as e:
return jsonify( {
@app.route( baseurl + "/u2f/begin_assertion" )
Get the data to start the login process with all actives keys for a user.
user_id = session.get( "user_id" )
if "challenge" in session:
del session[ "challenge" ]
q = config.db.query( "SELECT * FROM webauthn WHERE user_id = %s AND active = true", ( user_id, ) )
key_list = q.fetchall()
credential_id_list = []
for key in key_list:
credential_id_list.append( {
"type": "public-key",
"id": key[ "credential_id" ],
"transports": [ "usb", "nfc", "ble", "internal" ]
} )
assertion_dict = {
"challenge": challenge,
"timeout": 60000,
"allowCredentials": credential_id_list,
"rpId": config.RP_ID,
"error": False,
"data": assertion_dict
@app.route( baseurl + "/u2f/verify_assertion", methods = [ "POST" ] )
Check the signed challenge provided to the user for the login process.
credential_id = assertion_response.get( "id" )
q = config.db.query( "SELECT * FROM webauthn WHERE credential_id = %s", ( credential_id, ) )
user = q.fetchone()
webauthn_user = webauthn.WebAuthnUser(
None, session[ "username" ], None, None,
user[ "credential_id" ], user[ "pub_key" ], user[ "sign_count" ], config.RP_ID
webauthn_assertion_response = webauthn.WebAuthnAssertionResponse(
uv_required = False
sign_count = webauthn_assertion_response.verify()
except Exception as e:
return jsonify( {
"error": True,
"message": "Assertion failed. Error: {}".format( e )
dt = pytz.timezone( "Europe/Zurich" ) )
q = config.db.query( "UPDATE webauthn SET sign_count = %s, last_usage = %s, usage_counter = usage_counter + 1 WHERE credential_id = %s", ( sign_count, dt, credential_id, ) )
session[ "need_to_check" ].remove( "securitykey" )
return jsonify( {
# New user
Serve the page to register to ICNML.
q = config.db.query( "SELECT id, name FROM account_type WHERE can_singin = true" )
r = q.fetchall()
account_type = []
for rr in r:
account_type.append( dict( rr ) )
return render_template(
baseurl = baseurl,
list_account_type = account_type,
js = config.cdnjs,
css = config.cdncss,
envtype = envtype
@app.route( baseurl + "/do/signin", methods = [ "POST" ] )
def add_account_request_to_db():
Add the new user request to the database.
first_name = request.form[ "first_name" ]
last_name = request.form[ "last_name" ]
email = request.form[ "email" ]
account_type = int( request.form[ "account_type" ] )
sql = "SELECT name FROM account_type WHERE id = %s"
account_type_name = config.db.query_fetchone( sql, ( account_type, ) )[ "name" ]
account_type_name = account_type_name.lower()
sql = "SELECT nextval( 'username_{}_seq' ) as id".format( account_type_name )
username_id = config.db.query_fetchone( sql )[ "id" ]
INSERT INTO signin_requests
( first_name, last_name, email, account_type, uuid, username_id )
VALUES ( %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s )
( first_name, last_name, email, account_type, uuid, username_id, )
return jsonify( {
} )
return jsonify( {
@app.route( baseurl + "/validate_signin" )
def validate_signin():
Serve the page to admins regarding the validation of new users.
q = config.db.query( """
SELECT signin_requests.*, as account_type
FROM signin_requests
LEFT JOIN account_type ON signin_requests.account_type =
r = q.fetchall()
for rr in r:
users.append( dict( rr ) )
baseurl = baseurl,
users = users,
js = config.cdnjs,
session_timeout = config.session_timeout,
envtype = envtype
@app.route( baseurl + "/do/validate_signin", methods = [ "POST" ] )
def do_validate_signin():
Prepare the new user data to be signed by the admin, and serve the page.
request_id = request.form.get( "id" )
q = config.db.query( "SELECT * FROM signin_requests WHERE id = %s", ( request_id, ) )
s = q.fetchone()
s = dict( s )
r = {}
r[ "user" ] = s
r[ "user" ][ "request_time" ] = str( r[ "user" ][ "request_time" ] )
r[ "user" ][ "validation_time" ] = str( r[ "user" ][ "validation_time" ] )
r[ "acceptance" ] = {}
r[ "acceptance" ][ "username" ] = session[ "username" ]
r[ "acceptance" ][ "time" ] = str( )
j = json.dumps( r )
challenge = base64.b64encode( j )
challenge = challenge.replace( "=", "" )
session[ "validation_user_challenge" ] = challenge
q = config.db.query( "SELECT * FROM webauthn WHERE user_id = %s AND usage_counter > 0 ORDER BY last_usage DESC LIMIT 1", ( user_id, ) )
key = q.fetchone()
webauthn_user = webauthn.WebAuthnUser(
key[ "ukey" ], session[ "username" ], session[ "username" ], None,
key[ "credential_id" ], key[ "pub_key" ], key[ "sign_count" ], config.RP_ID
webauthn_assertion_options = webauthn.WebAuthnAssertionOptions( webauthn_user, challenge )
return jsonify( {
"error": False,
"data": webauthn_assertion_options.assertion_dict
@app.route( baseurl + "/do/validate_signin_2", methods = [ "POST" ] )
def do_validate_signin_2():
Verification of the signature of the new user data by the admin.
challenge = session.get( "validation_user_challenge" )
assertion_response = request.form
assertion_response_s = base64.b64encode( json.dumps( assertion_response ) )
credential_id = assertion_response.get( "id" )
q = config.db.query( "SELECT * FROM webauthn WHERE credential_id = %s", ( credential_id, ) )
user = q.fetchone()
webauthn_user = webauthn.WebAuthnUser(
user[ "ukey" ], session[ "username" ], session[ "username" ], None,
user[ "credential_id" ], user[ "pub_key" ], user[ "sign_count" ], ""
webauthn_assertion_response = webauthn.WebAuthnAssertionResponse(