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Marco De Donno's avatar
Marco De Donno committed
This repo contains mutliple scripts used as tooling (migration and extraction of data, conversion, ...).
Marco De Donno's avatar
Marco De Donno committed

Marco De Donno's avatar
Marco De Donno committed
Be aware that the scripts are not made to be run as-is; be smart, read the code and adapt it as you need in your particular case.

Marco De Donno's avatar
Marco De Donno committed
It contains the link (as submodules) to the remote libraries needed to run the scripts; a `git clone` with the `--recursive` option has to be done to initialize the submodules as needed.

To run the scripts in this repo, we have to create a python virtual environment:

virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python2 venv


activate it

source venv/bin/activate

and install the required packages:

find . -name 'requirements.txt' -exec pip install -r {} \;
find . -name "requirements.txt" -exec realpath {} \; | xargs -n 1 dirname > $(find . -name 'site-packages')/mdedonno.pth

The environment should be ready to be run with a `python` command.

Marco De Donno's avatar
Marco De Donno committed
It's also possible to build the current directory with docker to have a Debian image with all the tools installed.
To do so, check the content of the Makefile to see the docker compilation commands.