International Close Non-Matches Library - ICNML
This GIT repository is the main repository to build all the parts of ICNML.
All parts are assembled using GIT submodules (web app and all the mendatory libraries).
The CICD is in charge of building the ICNML application, and make the commits to the configurations repository ( for the develop branch, and for the master branch). This repository will not deploy to staging nor production, but will commit to the respective repositories, triggering the corresponding CICD deployement.
This docker-compose file is not designed to be run in developement or production mode, but only by the GitLab CICD. The Makefile is not inteded to be run manually here for developement of production, but only used by the CICD to build and push to staging and production. Check the production GIT module ( to see the production configuration.
To download the entire code-base, go to and git clone the repository. The download link on gitlab dont sync the submodules needed to build the ICNML application.